Sunday 4 November 2012

Researching and Planning: Costume and Props


We have selected redundant items of clothing to show a clear Indie theme within our video. As a group we have chosen a laid back style for the characters and the performers as this is a common feature within Indie genre videos. For Matt we have chosen represent his laid back personality with casual denim shirt, graphic t-shirt and chinos. A common redundant item in Indie genre video is a denim shirt and we feel by applying this within our video it will create genre identity and allow our audience to understand and engage with our theme. Matt is also going to wear a common brand of trainers commonly seen within the Indie genre which allows us to be recognised for our brand identity.  
For my costume we decided to keep with the idea of a casual/laid back look so we decided to follow the denim shirt style combined with a plain top and leggings. I feel this outfit defines the Indie genre as I have see denim jackets commonly seen within 'The Vaccines' music videos. I have included to my laid back style with branded shoes 'Vans' which is very Indie shoe company which will allow our audience to recognise this. My outfit is a redudant feature as it is a common costume seen within the Indie genre's by applying this into our music video it will allow our target audience to easily recognise our genre.  
Kieron's costume conveys an individual style that is commonly seen within the Indie Genre. His costume illustrates a redundant feature which is his aztec print jumper, this is a popular and common pattern to be seen on Indie styled clothing and accessories.  To represent Kieron's outgoing and individual personality he is wearing bright blue chinos.  As well as Matt, Kieron is also wearing a common brand of trainers which creates a sense of brand identity and will be shown in our video. 

Beth has selected redundant items of clothing to wear within our music video to allow our audience to easily reconsise the genre we are portraying.  For Beth we have chosen to represent her stylish and laid back personality with a casual denim shirt, black leggings and a aztec print coat. Beth is also wearing a common brand of trainers that is commonly seen within the Indie Genre and will allow our target audience to easily recognise this. 


Each member of the group has been assigned a costume or prop which allows everyone to have a responsibility to bring that item. By assigning everyone an item it allows them to be a part of the music video and to an important part towards the music video.  

We are planning to use an acoustic guitar in our performance concept as it's a key element within the son we have chosen.  An acoustic guitar is an iconic item seen within the Indie genre as it resembles a peaceful and individual melody. Band's such The Vaccines, Vampire Weekend and Noah and the Whale use acoustic guitars in their music videos.  
We shall be using a tent within the video which symbolises together as a group. The tent will used to show actives such as setting up the tent, guitar playing, singing and dancing. In indie genre music videos a tent is used to show the close friendships groups of friends hold and share. 
           Matt's car will be playing a big part within our music as we shall be filming most of our narrative in it recording our journey to our location.  Road trips are a common element within the Indie genre as it expresses a sense of freedom within the young adult world. 

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