Monday 12 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today's filming consisted of performance and narrative. The weather today started off raining in the morning and in the afternoon it started to clear up. As it had be raining before we arrived at the location we went through the health and safety to allow us as a group to understand any hazards or potential dangers we could of encountered on when filming.  Whilst driving up to the location we decided to shoot some extra footage of the journey as we felt the scenery of the autumn leaves and trees fitted our Indie genre to the song.  One problem we encountered on today was shooting the performance scene in the car, we found it difficult for the camera to stay on the dashboard whilst driving. Our solution to this situation was to place the camera on a level part of the dashboard and to use lots of white tac enabling it to sit perfectly while filming. Today we have filmed parts of the performance, finding the perfect camping location and selected narrative scenes. We filmed the start of the song and the chorus today and we included different angles within this scene which took quite some time as we had to keep repeating the song. We filmed selected parts of the narrative as we took some time on the performance part.  I feel our filming was successful today even though we didn't film as much as we anticipated. I feel we filmed a good amount of the performance and narrative I feel we are on schedule with our filming and feel we will finish filming on 19th of November.

Wednesday 14th November is our next filming day, on this day will shall be filming the rest of our performance and narrative scenes. Again I have taken photographs whilst filming representing the camera set up and shots.

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