Sunday 4 November 2012

Research and Planning: Moodboard Recreated

Our pitch feedback suggested to us that our idea to the beach was too adventurous and ambitious. The pitch feedback allowed us to reflect and refine our idea which allowed us a group to form a new realistic idea. We altered our old plan but decided on a new location which was closer to college which will allow us to easily re-shoot footage if we needed to do so.  We selected a redundant location set in a  forest as we felt it's a popular location to be used within Indie music and we felt our genre would be easily recognised through our location.  

Our new plan features redundant elements which is presented through our location, storyline,costumes/outfit and props. The storyline still consists of recording our journey but we have changed the main outline of the storyline.  The main outline of the storyline is about a group of friends going on a camping trip and recording their journey to remember their memories in the future. 

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