Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today's filming session was within a single media lesson which limited our time. Within this time we filmed the rest of our performance and narrative. We have now completed all the performance filming which allows us to focus on finishing the narrative part. I am very happy with the completion of our performance as I feel we have covered different angles and I'm happy with the lip syncing performed by the casting. The location surfaces were quite wet again but we took this into account and took precaution while filming. Our last filming day is on Monday 19th November and I feel very confident we will complete all our filming on that day.

1 comment:

  1. Could you add some pictures to these posts? Perhaps of how you set up the scene? Positioned the camera. And more importantly why you made these decisions. Try to make links to:
    conventions of genre
    target audience
    techniques to promote artist / band.
