Monday 5 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today we have started filming our narrative part in our double media lesson as we have completed our storyboard and we had a full understanding on what is needed to be filmed today. The weather today was perfect to film as it was a sunny and dry day which limited the health and hazard risks as the ground surfaces at the forest location were safer to walk on as it wouldn't' be slippery. Today we filmed Matt packing the car up, filming the journey, arriving at the location and unpacking the car. I feel today's filming has gone successful as we filmed the scenes we wished to film, I feel we have had no problems with today filming which has allowed us to complete filming on schedule. We next plan to film on Monday 13th November as all members of performers and casting are available. I have taken photographs representing the camera angles and shots we have used within today's filming.

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