Wednesday 28 November 2012

Research and Planning: Editing Update

When editing our video today we came across a problem which was that our lip syncing wasn't matching the music and we were unable to match the two. We also discovered we don't have enough performance as we thought we had, to overcome this problem we may need to re-shoot our performance. I feel our editing towards the narrative is going successfully because I feel it's show conventions on our Indie Genre. This is shown through the use of costumes, storyline and props. Due to the time consuming element of editing we wish to next edit on Thursday 29th November in order for us to reach our deadline.

Monday 26 November 2012

Research and Planning:Editing Update

Today we have started to edit our video on a software called Final Cut Express, we shared out the editing equally to allow each member of the group to take part in the Editing Process. So far we have done edited around about 40 seconds worth of the video. Whilst editing the video today it made me realise it's a time consuming element which may effect time management schedule. As a group we have decided to schedule in extra editing time allowing us to reach our deadline.

Monday 19 November 2012

Research and Planning: Time Mangement

 Here is an update on what we plan to do in the upcoming weeks of this month:

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today we have finished our filming and now our next stage is to capture and edit the video. We hope to start capturing our footage on Wednesday 21st November and then begin editing on Monday 26th November. I feel overall filming has gone well but I feel we may lack performance and may need to film extra performing scenes. We shall make this decision when editing the footage.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today's filming session was within a single media lesson which limited our time. Within this time we filmed the rest of our performance and narrative. We have now completed all the performance filming which allows us to focus on finishing the narrative part. I am very happy with the completion of our performance as I feel we have covered different angles and I'm happy with the lip syncing performed by the casting. The location surfaces were quite wet again but we took this into account and took precaution while filming. Our last filming day is on Monday 19th November and I feel very confident we will complete all our filming on that day.

Monday 12 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today's filming consisted of performance and narrative. The weather today started off raining in the morning and in the afternoon it started to clear up. As it had be raining before we arrived at the location we went through the health and safety to allow us as a group to understand any hazards or potential dangers we could of encountered on when filming.  Whilst driving up to the location we decided to shoot some extra footage of the journey as we felt the scenery of the autumn leaves and trees fitted our Indie genre to the song.  One problem we encountered on today was shooting the performance scene in the car, we found it difficult for the camera to stay on the dashboard whilst driving. Our solution to this situation was to place the camera on a level part of the dashboard and to use lots of white tac enabling it to sit perfectly while filming. Today we have filmed parts of the performance, finding the perfect camping location and selected narrative scenes. We filmed the start of the song and the chorus today and we included different angles within this scene which took quite some time as we had to keep repeating the song. We filmed selected parts of the narrative as we took some time on the performance part.  I feel our filming was successful today even though we didn't film as much as we anticipated. I feel we filmed a good amount of the performance and narrative I feel we are on schedule with our filming and feel we will finish filming on 19th of November.

Wednesday 14th November is our next filming day, on this day will shall be filming the rest of our performance and narrative scenes. Again I have taken photographs whilst filming representing the camera set up and shots.

Monday 5 November 2012

Research and Planning: Filming Update

Today we have started filming our narrative part in our double media lesson as we have completed our storyboard and we had a full understanding on what is needed to be filmed today. The weather today was perfect to film as it was a sunny and dry day which limited the health and hazard risks as the ground surfaces at the forest location were safer to walk on as it wouldn't' be slippery. Today we filmed Matt packing the car up, filming the journey, arriving at the location and unpacking the car. I feel today's filming has gone successful as we filmed the scenes we wished to film, I feel we have had no problems with today filming which has allowed us to complete filming on schedule. We next plan to film on Monday 13th November as all members of performers and casting are available. I have taken photographs representing the camera angles and shots we have used within today's filming.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Research and Planning: Moodboard Recreated

Our pitch feedback suggested to us that our idea to the beach was too adventurous and ambitious. The pitch feedback allowed us to reflect and refine our idea which allowed us a group to form a new realistic idea. We altered our old plan but decided on a new location which was closer to college which will allow us to easily re-shoot footage if we needed to do so.  We selected a redundant location set in a  forest as we felt it's a popular location to be used within Indie music and we felt our genre would be easily recognised through our location.  

Our new plan features redundant elements which is presented through our location, storyline,costumes/outfit and props. The storyline still consists of recording our journey but we have changed the main outline of the storyline.  The main outline of the storyline is about a group of friends going on a camping trip and recording their journey to remember their memories in the future. 

Researching and Planning: Costume and Props


We have selected redundant items of clothing to show a clear Indie theme within our video. As a group we have chosen a laid back style for the characters and the performers as this is a common feature within Indie genre videos. For Matt we have chosen represent his laid back personality with casual denim shirt, graphic t-shirt and chinos. A common redundant item in Indie genre video is a denim shirt and we feel by applying this within our video it will create genre identity and allow our audience to understand and engage with our theme. Matt is also going to wear a common brand of trainers commonly seen within the Indie genre which allows us to be recognised for our brand identity.  
For my costume we decided to keep with the idea of a casual/laid back look so we decided to follow the denim shirt style combined with a plain top and leggings. I feel this outfit defines the Indie genre as I have see denim jackets commonly seen within 'The Vaccines' music videos. I have included to my laid back style with branded shoes 'Vans' which is very Indie shoe company which will allow our audience to recognise this. My outfit is a redudant feature as it is a common costume seen within the Indie genre's by applying this into our music video it will allow our target audience to easily recognise our genre.  
Kieron's costume conveys an individual style that is commonly seen within the Indie Genre. His costume illustrates a redundant feature which is his aztec print jumper, this is a popular and common pattern to be seen on Indie styled clothing and accessories.  To represent Kieron's outgoing and individual personality he is wearing bright blue chinos.  As well as Matt, Kieron is also wearing a common brand of trainers which creates a sense of brand identity and will be shown in our video. 

Beth has selected redundant items of clothing to wear within our music video to allow our audience to easily reconsise the genre we are portraying.  For Beth we have chosen to represent her stylish and laid back personality with a casual denim shirt, black leggings and a aztec print coat. Beth is also wearing a common brand of trainers that is commonly seen within the Indie Genre and will allow our target audience to easily recognise this. 


Each member of the group has been assigned a costume or prop which allows everyone to have a responsibility to bring that item. By assigning everyone an item it allows them to be a part of the music video and to an important part towards the music video.  

We are planning to use an acoustic guitar in our performance concept as it's a key element within the son we have chosen.  An acoustic guitar is an iconic item seen within the Indie genre as it resembles a peaceful and individual melody. Band's such The Vaccines, Vampire Weekend and Noah and the Whale use acoustic guitars in their music videos.  
We shall be using a tent within the video which symbolises together as a group. The tent will used to show actives such as setting up the tent, guitar playing, singing and dancing. In indie genre music videos a tent is used to show the close friendships groups of friends hold and share. 
           Matt's car will be playing a big part within our music as we shall be filming most of our narrative in it recording our journey to our location.  Road trips are a common element within the Indie genre as it expresses a sense of freedom within the young adult world. 

Research and Planning: Facebook Page

I have created a group page on a social networking site called 'Facebook', the benefit of having this page is another way to communicate to people within my group. When creating this page I have included performers and casting as it allows them to notify our group when they can film extra hours if we needed to do so. An advantage behind the group allows us to add our audience and allows them to comment on what they like about the concept of our idea, how we could improve and etc. I feel by having this facebook group it will allow us  understand and research the indie genre allowing us to appeal to our target audience.

Research and Planning: Performers and Casting

Saturday 3 November 2012

Research and Planning: Risk Assessment

As a group we have created a risk assessment table listening all the potential dangers and hazards we could encounter on whilst filming our music video. By creating this it allows us as a group to be prepared when filming and will allow us to have a safe filming experience.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Research and Planning: Narrative Theory

1. Propp 
Music videos contain different roles within characters which appear in every storyline. When analysing Noah and the Whale - ' Life is Life' I discovered two roles which were the hero and dispatcher role.  The hero role was given to subject running through the video, I decided this was the hero role as I felt the subject was on a quest and searching for a sense of freedom.  In the video I feel the band played two roles which were the dispatcher and helper role. I feel the band gave the subject a quest to discover her freedom but along her quest they have helped her on the journey todiscovery.

2. Levi Strauss 
'Life is Life' has a political theme of  freedom and imprisonment , the video expresses the subject as being confined as an individual and wishes to seek independence within her quest she is travelling on. 

3. Barthes 
The video contains the enigma code which is where the audience are intrigued by the need to solve the problem.  I feel the audience get a clearer view on the problem later on in the video which leads to the action code.  I feel the audience are excited by the need to resolve the subjects problem by watching her  discover her freedom within her quest. 

4. Todorov 
This theory supports Todorov but is being presented with a different order to what his theory expects. The first section of the theory the viewers sees would be the recognition of the disruption of the original equilibrium. This is shown through the subject screaming into the camera and dropping the watermelon which was placed in her hands. You don't know what has happened to the disruption to the subject but you know that something has happened as the subject is screaming. The subjects attempt to restore to the original equilibrium is by running back to normality. Towards the end of the video the subject ends her journey with getting on a hot air balloon returning back to her normal life.  The hot air balloon ride returns the subject to waking up to a new equilibrium and allows the subject to be happy.   

From this analysis I have full understanding on what to except within the narrative theory, I have discovered different roles people are signed within a music video.  By studying this theory it allows me to look deeper into the tasks involved when creating a music video.  When viewing music videos now it will allow me to follow the narrative concept with a clear understanding of what message is being conveyed to the viewer. I feel the narrative within our music video doesn't fit with the theory's given so I don't think the ideas given would be suitable for our genre.  I feel within the indie genre the focus is more towards the music as bands rather have the focus on their lyrics rather than the image.