Thursday 7 February 2013

Final Digipak and Advertisement

This is my finished digipak and I feel it has gone successful. I feel it shows conventions of a real digipak as it contains elements such as a barcode, record label, track listing and general layout of the digipak. In order for my digipak to appeal to my target audience I have asked for their feedback and changed the elements they felt needed changing to the digipak.  I feel my digipak displays indie elements as I have selected a popular filter seen within the indie genre.

This is my finished print advert, I feel this has also gone successfully as it has clear links to the music video and my digipak. I am pleased with my print advert as I feel it displays conventions of a real print advert. I have included elements such as music reviews, date of the release, record label and what format the album can be purchased on.

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