Sunday 10 February 2013

Evaluation Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

During the project audience feedback was an important aspect of how I created my media products. It was important that I was creating final products that suited the target audience so that they liked it and were encouraged to buy the album being promoted. My research needed to use Qualitative data (data not in numeric form) which meant I would have to ask my target audience for their ideas and feedback. Questionnaires would not be suitable for my research throughout this project as I needed to collect opinions inorder for me to reflect on my work.

I used two main methods of gathering audience feedback. A social networking site called Facebook was a succesfull way for gathering feedback on my products and video as I created a discussion group allowing my audience to express what they thought about the work I produced. For my print products to receive, audience feedback I created a Facebook page, where I would upload selections of filters and fonts, then ask the audience to choose which one they felt was the best for my work. I also uploaded my different drafts to the page and asked them what changed they feel I should make, then changed them dependant on what they recommended. It was extremely beneficial to use the audience feedback as they helped me tailor my work to suit them, that way I knew what I created would be well received by the audience.  It was also useful to have a second opinion on my work as they helped identify problems I may not have noticed on my own.  Receiving feedback allowed me to reflect on my work and allow my products to suit my target audience.

The second was to ask the audience specific questions in person about their personal choices, regarding the different aspects of our music video that we had already created. At the beginning of creating our music video we asked the audience about whether they liked our music video concept and the ideas we had regarding what we were to create. This was asked during the pitch for the music video, where we recorded the responses of the audience and made necessary changes to their recommendations.   After each rough cut we made we held the same audience feedback sessions where we asked the audience, again for their thoughts on what had been created and to suggest changes they felt needed to be made. We recorded their responses and made some more changes dependant on what they suggested. 

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Thursday 7 February 2013

Final Digipak and Advertisement

This is my finished digipak and I feel it has gone successful. I feel it shows conventions of a real digipak as it contains elements such as a barcode, record label, track listing and general layout of the digipak. In order for my digipak to appeal to my target audience I have asked for their feedback and changed the elements they felt needed changing to the digipak.  I feel my digipak displays indie elements as I have selected a popular filter seen within the indie genre.

This is my finished print advert, I feel this has also gone successfully as it has clear links to the music video and my digipak. I am pleased with my print advert as I feel it displays conventions of a real print advert. I have included elements such as music reviews, date of the release, record label and what format the album can be purchased on.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Production: Digi Pak Second Draft & Feedback

The main change the audience said was  needed was that the track listing was hard to read. To solve this I put a translucent box in front of the text which colour matches the theme, but also makes the text stand out more. I have also included information about the record label and the copyright at the bottom of the window so that it looks like a professional piece of work.  I am pleased with this result as it is a good final outcome for all of my re-search, this is echoed through my audiences feedback for the second draft.

Production: Print Advert Draft Two

This is my second draft for my print advert. I have moved the iTunes logo, and made the magazine names bolder like my audience suggested. I have also brightened Kieron's face so it looks natural on the page. I am very happy with the outcome of my advert and have combined my research and planning to make it fit the target audience as much as I can, which I think I have achieved.

Production: Digi Pack Draft One Feedback

The feedback from the audience mainly suggests that the track listing is too hard to read so I may need to move it or change the colour. Also it is lacking some of the major conventions of a typical digi pak like the record label and copyright.

Production: Print Advert Draft One Feedback

The feedback I have been given suggests that the iTunes logo should be moved as it is too high and looks out of place. The magazine names font is hard to read and needs to be larger or bolder. Finally Kieron's face is dark and looks strange on the page. I will now go into production of my second draft and make the necessary changes.