Tuesday 30 October 2012

Research and Planning: Location

Our results from the pitch feedback suggested that our idea for the music video was advantageous but the location we wanted to use was too ambitious. As a group we had to think of a location that was easily accessible and allowed us to re-shoot parts if we needed to do so. We still wanted to use the idea of friends hanging out and having fun as a group.  We came up with the idea of a group of friends wanting to go camping and we are still going to document the journey on how they are getting there as our pitch feedback said this will be a successful idea within the music video. 

  We decided on using a local location High Vinnalls as it is the perfect location for the concept of the music video. We selected on this location was we feel it has good open space and a variety of settings within the location.  I have taken several photographs presenting the settings we wish to use within our music video. We selected this settings because we felt they would match the theme of our video and shows a clear concept of camping. We selected quiet areas because we don't want members of the public interfering with our music video as we want the main focus to be on the cast.

I feel the pitch feedback has allowed us to look back and reflect on our idea to allow us to reach maximum potential.

Our chosen location represents a common redudant feature, we feel we have selected a common location used within the Indie genre.

1 comment:

  1. Put a few comments next to each picture and outline why you feel the locations are appropriate for your target audience and the music genre. To add even more depth refer to theory: redundancy, entropy & Goodwin.
