Sunday 14 October 2012

Research and Planning: Audience Profile

Audience Profile:
Demographics: C2-E 

Psychographics: Explorers- SEEKS DISCOVERY 
Education: College students, Uni students and young adults 
Age: 17-22 years old
Gender: Female and Male 

The target audience follow an artistic and creative lifestyle, they will be studying creative art subjects such as photography, graphics and music within higher education.  They wish to seek an creative profession after finishing higher education and don't wish to follow an average office job that doesn't allow them to express their individuality. They obtain a series of hobbies such as photography, music, graphic design, and fashion design. Within these hobbies they wish to led to careers to allow them to show their artistic and creative lifestyle.

Our target audience have a laid back indie style combined with a vintage style. Within the indie style the audience take care when choosing fashion choices but still obtain the laid back look which reflects their personality and age. Our target audience have a loyalty to brands but also they wish to support independent fashion stores to allow them to have unique pieces of clothing to allow their fashion choices to not always follow the crowd. Our target audience have loyalty to brands such as Vans, Topshop, Topman, Urban Outfitters and The Urban Apparel.
The male audience within our genre usually follow a baggy designed t-shirt, denim jacket/ hoodie and skinny jeans which enable them to express their laid back attitude towards fashion. The female audience fashion style follows a indie laid back style combined with vintage twists. They involve vintage twists within their fashion style as it adds casual designed elements within their fashion choices and adds an individual style to them. Their usual look consists of oversized jumpers and skinny jeans followed by Van Canvas Authentic shoes,

They seek discovery and intend on encountering on different activities to keep themselves entertained. Our target audience get bored easily and intend on keeping themselves entertained with variety of different medias. They enjoy purchasing and playing app games for their smart phones and tablets and enjoy challenging their friends on the games. Our target audience enjoy socialising with their friends via social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.  Within the social networking sites they enjoy uploading pictures of their outings and social events they have encounterd on.  They also like to see what events are going within their social group and keep up to date with friends. Our target audience enjoy watching new released films at the cinema, they usually like to watch comedies but occasionally like to watch the horror genre. They enjoy films such as The Boat That Rocked, The Hangover, Happy Gilmore and Zomieland.  I have created a mood board representing some of the target audiences interests, fashion style and brands. 

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