Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning: Rough Cut & Focus Group

Questions asked:
1) What do you think our genre is and why?
2) Is our video appropriate for the genre and why?
3) Does the video appeal to you? Why?
4) Can you identify who the band members are? Why?
5) Do you think there is an equal balance between the performance and narrative? If not how could we change it?
6) Is there anything you would change or improve on in our video and why?

We created a focus group in response to our rough cut to get feedback on our video to see if we could improve or change anything. When creating our focus group we selected people that represented the indie genre we were targeting within our video. From the focus we have had learned that we need to film the performance in a separate location to allow our audience to define who the performers are and evens out the performance and narrative.

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