Sunday 27 January 2013

Production: Print Advert First Draft

 This is my completed first draft for my print advert. Like my digi pak I have used the filters and fonts that my audience suggest I should use. Again I have included various features of a typical print advert like the ratings from well known magazines, iTunes logo, date available, website...etc. I feel that the composition of the features makes the advert look professional and exactly what would be expected within the genre. 

Thursday 24 January 2013

Production: Digi Pak First Draft

This is my completed first draft for the digi pak. I have used the fonts that my audience feedback suggested I should use, and I have also used the filters that they liked the most as well. I have included typical aspects of a digi pak, like a bar code and track listing. I am really pleased with my first draft as I feel it reflects the indie genre well and suits all of the needs that my target audience require.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Production: Making of the Digi Pak

  These are the different stages involved in putting my digi pak together. I have put these images together in this composition so that the band themselves are seen as much as possible. This is so the band become recognised by the audience, which helps raise their profile. 

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Research and Planning: Digi Pack Photograph Filter Experimentation

These are the filter effects that I have chosen to use on my images. I feel that by using these specific effects it is easier to identify them with the indie genre, therefore matching my target audiences preference. Similar aspects were used on the items that I looked at during my personal re-search, so I have decided to include them in my work. After looking at my audience feedback I have chosen to use filter no1.

Research and Planning: Digi Pack Colour Experimentation Feedback

I collected some feedback on my colour scheme experimentations in order for me to make my digi pack to appeal to my target audience. The feedback revealed colour scheme 1 or 4 are the popular choices my target audience has chosen to be used on my digi pack. I will experiment with both colours to view which colour suits the digi pack and which will appeal to my target audience.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Research and Planning: Colour Scheme Ideas

I have created a variety of colour schemes that could possibly be used on my digipack. I have selected vintage styled colours that have a clear representation to the Indie Genre. I will post the colour scheme on Facebook to allow myself to get feedback from my target audience.

Friday 4 January 2013

Research and Planning: DigiPack Font Response

Here is a print screen shot from my feedback regarding my Digi pack font experimentation. My feedback reveals that the target audience prefer font 3 and 4. When creating mock ups I will use both fonts and discover which font looks better. I will then ask the target audience again to see which font they prefer allowing me to get greater results.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Research and Planning: DigiPack Font Experimention

I have created a selection of fonts on a website called to experiment with a different variety of fonts that will look best on my DigiPack. I have selected Indie Styled that I feel best shows a laid back styled and will appeal to my audience.  I will post my font experimentation on a Social Networking site called Facebook to allow my to understand which font appeals to my target audience.